Co-founder and CEO at PublishSoSimply, co-owner of creative agency and university teacher. Strategic mind, digital nomad. Music festivals and Netflix are his favourite things in the world.
New season of HBO’s Game of Thrones has just started, so maybe it’s a good time to think what we can learn about content marketing from Westeros characters. You will find here plenty of Tyrion’s quotes, but what can I do, he is the clever one. read more article was posted on PublishSoSimply blog
This post should begin with the most important question that you probably have asked yourself: are you sure you find the audience for your magazine? Digital magazine is very often a part of the general marketing strategy, so you should be convinced that you do it for a reason. But you are here, so probably…
This post we dedicate mainly to those who are thinking about publishing digital magazine, but are not sure if it’s worth it. If you ask yourself if it’s necessary for you to publish digital materials or are looking for some inspirations how and what content you can publish, you should read it. read more article…
Last month our adventure with running business in South America began. We became part of the biggest startup community in the world – Start-Up Chile. It means that we’ve moved to Santiago and we’ll spend several months here developing PublishSoSimply among other startupers from all over the world. read more article was posted on PublishSoSimply blog
It is obvious that Asia is amazing place to do business. We had opportunity to experience it last week during Orange Fab Asia Demo Day. How did it happen that we landed in Tokyo? Few weeks ago we were selected by Orange in Poland and headquarter in France to represent first polish Orange Fab during Demo Day…
If you want to provide engaging and unique content for your customers you have to find a way to create this content. And content marketing is not as simple as it may seem. There is a thin line between what you think and what you know. If you are not a renowned expert who is…
Digital publishing provides the reader with an instant, digital book or magazine to read on a computer, smart phone, Ebook reader or tablet. Magazines are available for purchase at online stores or as dedicated apps. Most of them are digital versions of printed ones, but some are prepared by authors who write exclusively online works.…
Your headline is the first, and perhaps only, impression you make on a prospective reader. Without a compelling promise that turns a browser into a reader, the rest of your words may as well not even exist. So, from a future writer or journalist standpoint, writing great headlines is a critical skill. Here are five…
W 1934 roku Paul Otlet, belgijski przedsiębiorca i wizjoner opublikował książkę zatytułowaną Traité de Documentation (Traktat o dokumentowaniu). Opisał w niej ideę porządkowania informacji w oparciu o hiperłącza, czyli sieci powiązań w tekście. W czasach kiedy zdobywanie wiedzy było linearne, czyli oparte o czytanie książek lub gazet od prawej do lewej strony pomysł Otleta był rewolucyjny. Na tej…
Czy to dobrze, że Ford Mustang jest samochodem sportowym? Na to pytanie nie ma jednoznacznej odpowiedzi. Z jednej strony oznacza to, że jest szybki, daje dużą przyjemność z jazdy i na pewno podkreśla status społeczny. Z drugiej strony jest niebezpieczny i niepraktyczny. Podobny tok myślenia można odnieść do firm rodzinnych. Czy to dobrze, że firma…