Co-founder and CEO at PublishSoSimply, co-owner of creative agency and university teacher. Strategic mind, digital nomad. Music festivals and Netflix are his favourite things in the world.
We live in a world full of random information. In many cases, we tend to acquire the new knowledge by accident. We never know if we missed some crucial news. And, which is even more important, in most cases, we don’t have enough expertise to evaluate the significance of the new information. People feel that…
Codziennie człowiek pochłania setki informacji. Obecnie w ciągu jednego dnia dostajemy ich dużo więcej niż przeciętny człowiek w ciągu całego roku w XIX wieku. Nasz mózg od tego czasu się nie zmienił, ale musi napracować się dużo bardziej niż wcześniej. więcej wpis został opublikowany w INNPoland
Zapewne większość osób już słyszała, że w Warszawie powstaje akcelerator dla startupów finansowany z pieniędzy Urzędu Miasta. Z akceleratorami miałem i mam trochę do czynienia, więc postawiłem stworzyć listę za i przeciw. Tytuł chyba dość jasno wskazuje jaki będzie wynik. więcej article was posted on PublishSoSimply blog
This post is a result of many informal talks I had over the last year. My main goal was to understand how people define content and how content should look in the close future. The modern content definition is hazy. It is everything that conjures up knowledge or emotions. The best option is for it to…
Pluto is in our mind from several days and its photos are part of news in major websites. How has it happened that we are so interested in so distant “even not” a planet? Besides of obvious success of this mission we should also notice that it is a result of great communication. We are…
Utility or beauty – it is an eternal fight. Sports shoes or oxfords? Van or cabriolet? This question is important also in content marketing. If I ask you, what is more important in your infographics, data or design, the answer is not easy. Probably most of you will answer both. Partially you are right. Of…
Do you wonder how to make an infographic? And rightly so, because infographics are said to be one of the biggest content marketing trends this year. Looking at the amount of infographics appearing on the web every day, it seems it is right. We must admit that we also like them, both read and create.…
Do you like this moment when you finish your piece of content? No matter what is it – you feel excitement. But quite soon this feeling may change to disappointment, because it’s not so popular as you thought it would be. So what to do to attract your audience? Probably many of you already published content…
Today, during Star Wars Day, I would like to remind you probably the most famous Yoda’s statement. He wanted to teach Luke that he has to commit himself completly to achieve something. Right now we are in the middle of big changes in PublishSoSimply, many of them were tough for us, but we had to make…
Digital magazine publishing seems to be complicated. Not because of technological aspects of publishing, but even because of the problems with „digital magazine” term. So let’s start with explanation what digital magazine is. We live in content marketing era nowadays, so content is everywhere. What’s more there is plenty ways to deliver it. Borders between them are…